Becoming Your True Self

Transition from struggling with your identity and living a life that lacks meaning and passion, into an extraordinary life on your terms and becoming your true self.

Becoming Your True Self

Transition from struggling with your identity and living a life that lacks meaning and passion, into an extraordinary life on your terms and becoming your true self.


Your Why


  • Understand what resistance is and how it is showing up in your life.

  • Explore your motivation and identify why you are here.

  • Discover when procrastination shows up for you.

  • Gain insight into the importance of journaling.

  • Make a plan of what you want to achieve in the next 3 months.


Making changes in our lives can feel like an uphill battle and that's made worse when we have no plan about where we want to go or what we want to achieve. In this module, you will uncover your motivation, understand what is holding you back, and create a plan of action. Finally, you will complete a self-assessment to measure where you are starting from so you can compare these values with a final self-assessment done at the end of the program.


Finding Your Limiting Beliefs


  • Understand what limiting beliefs are and where they come from.

  • Recognize the different types of limiting beliefs.

  • Explore the limiting beliefs that show up for you.

  • Uncover the sources of your excuses.


Are you tired of making excuses and not achieving your goals? It's time to break free from those limiting beliefs and excuses that hold you back. In this module, you will be empowered to understand, recognize, explore, and uncover the barriers that stand in your way.


Clearing Your Limiting Beliefs


  • Understand the Creation Cycle.

  • Challenge your victimhood and take full responsibility for what’s going on in your life.

  • Identify the feelings and trapped emotions that hold you back.

  • Learn strategies and techniques to remove the limiting beliefs that don’t serve you.


Don't let life pass you by while you remain stuck in old patterns and limiting beliefs. This module will steer you in the direction of personal growth and success by understanding the creation cycle, challenging your victimhood, and identifying the feelings and trapped emotions that stand in your way. Additionally, you will learn more strategies and techniques for clearing limiting beliefs so you can start taking full responsibility for your life and become more self-aware.


Mindfulness & Meditation


  • Learn about mindfulness and its benefits.

  • Discover techniques and exercises for mindfulness.

  • Understand what meditation is and how it can transform your life.

  • Explore different types of meditation.

  • Create a daily meditation practice to nurture self-awareness.


Do you feel like you just want to turn off from your life and make everything stop for a day? Is this fast-paced world too overwhelming and causing you constant anxiety? In this module, you will develop a heightened awareness of yourself in the present moment by exploring and practicing different types of meditation and mindfulness techniques to find the ones that work best for you.


Creating Empowering Habits


  • Understand the importance of having daily rituals.

  • Gain certainty and build a daily and weekly structure that serves and energizes you.

  • Identify your most important habits and prioritize them.

  • Discover how to remove negative triggers and stack good habits.

  • Learn how to remove and replace habits, activities, and people that don’t add value to your life.


First, you create your habits and then your habits create you. In this module, you will reclaim your life by creating positive habits that empower and nurture you. You will also learn how to remove and replace habits, activities, and people that suck your energy and don’t serve you so you can finally bring more vitality, passion, and motivation to what makes your heart sing.




  • Uncover your negative self-talk and transform it into positive statements.

  • Gain clarity over the voice of judgment and identify how you’re self-sabotaging your dreams.

  • Explore your positive self-talk and tap into your voice of wisdom.

  • Discover ways of eliminating that unhelpful self-talk.


You might be sabotaging your success without knowing. Sometimes, the negative self-talk inside your head is so strong that it could feel like what it says is the truth. In this module, you will learn to discern between negative and positive self-talk and apply strategies and techniques to empower yourself with positive affirmations, release negative thoughts, and take control of your mind.




  • Understand the importance of loving yourself and allocating time for fun, relaxation, and self-care.

  • Discover the benefits of building a daily gratitude practice.

  • Reclaim your essence and empower yourself by loving and accepting your inner child.

  • Define and establish boundaries with yourself, others, and external factors.


Are you your best friend or your worst critic? When things get hard, can you count on yourself, or can’t even stand your thoughts? In this module, you will explore boundaries, gratitude, and your inner child and gain valuable insights before creating a powerful way forward to the new you.




  • Understand addictions and numbing behaviors.

  • Uncover your current numbing behaviors and addictive patterns.

  • Write an action plan for reducing the addictions you identified.

  • Learn and integrate my OURRE technique in your life to help you remove addictions.


Are you using drugs or engaging in any type of unhealthy pattern to cope with life and deal with your emotions? Are you escaping regularly from your current reality and finding it hard to be at peace with yourself? Do you disconnect and distract yourself with meaningless things when life gets difficult or painful? In this module, you will understand the root cause of addiction, identify your current numbing behaviors, and explore ways to discard them.




  • Gain clarity of the disconnection symptoms that may appear in your life.

  • Build a practice to connect daily with yourself and the Universe.

  • Learn about the frequency scale, vibration, and resonance so you can improve your life and make a positive impact in the lives of others.

  • Discover how to live an abundant life and cultivate a mindset of abundance.

  • Contact your spiritual team and build a healthy relationship with your divine guides.


When we are disconnected from ourselves and the Universe, we live our lives on autopilot and nothing we do and experience seems meaningful. Raising our vibration and frequency improves our lives and positively affects the lives of others around us, like a ripple effect. In this module, you will build a practice to connect daily with yourself and the Universe. You will learn about the symptoms of disconnection, the frequency scale, vibration, resonance, and the power of presence. You will begin cultivating an abundance mindset and live without judgment or expectations. Finally, you will learn how to build a healthy relationship with your divine guides and ask for guidance and support.


Becoming Your True Self


  • Understand the importance of having clarity in your why, values, and purpose.

  • Uncover your true identity that aligns with your pure essence.

  • Explore the joy of giving and receiving by doing service.

  • Gain certainty of which services you can offer to the world from which you can make a living.


When we have no clarity of our why, values, and purpose, we go through life constantly feeling dissatisfied and unmotivated; nothing seems exciting anymore, and waking up each new day feels like a chore, rather than a new opportunity to enjoy life being our true selves. In this module, you will explore your inner voice and answer important questions to uncover your true identity and design a life that aligns with your pure essence.




  • Discover different ways to keep yourself accountable.

  • Learn tools to keep you focused and on track.

  • Understand what delayed gratification means and how it can support the completion of your goals.

  • Explore the benefits of doing retrospectives, tracking yourself, and building your discipline to keep the momentum going.


Before running a marathon, you must first become an athlete. In this module, you will explore techniques and tools to keep you accountable, motivated, and disciplined in achieving your goals. You will discover the magic behind delayed gratification and how to reward yourself in meaningful and fun ways. Finally, you will identify and define ways to track and measure your progress so you can succeed in life.


Maintenance & Community


  • Learn how to integrate everything you have learned over the previous modules.

  • Establish a weekly maintenance routine to keep you aligned with your true self.

  • Find your tribe and leave your comfort zone more often.

  • Become part of an open loving community so you can reach out for support and advice when needed.

  • Complete the final self-assessment to compare it with the first self-assessment.


Congratulations on making it this far. A chapter of your life has just ended, and now you can welcome an empowered more authentic version of yourself for your next chapter. In this module, you will learn how to integrate everything you have learned over the previous modules and establish a weekly maintenance routine to keep you aligned with your true self. You will understand the importance of involvement in a community, finding your tribe, and reaching out for support and advice, when needed.



Self Discovery

This is the starting point, you embark on a journey of self-discovery. By identifying your ideas, values, interests, passions, and strengths, you’ll be able to start to map out a meaningful and fulfilling future beyond your current role and identity.

Duration: 3 hours


Purpose Discovery

The 'Purpose Discovery' module involves deep, perhaps lengthy, reflection exercises and visualisation techniques to help you discover and validate your new purpose beyond your work identity. You will leave this module feeling empowered and confident about your next phase of life.

Duration: 3 hours


Process Development

In this ‘foundation’ module, you’ll start to build a clear roadmap for your journey into the future. Through a clear understanding of goal-setting and action planning, you’ll gain the tools and techniques you need to navigate this significant transition. You may well find this quite different from any change you’ve managed before.

Duration: 3 hours


Support Development

This module will guide you in how to prepare yourself for the way forward. You’ll learn to ‘let go’ of the ‘past’ and the need for forgiveness and gratitude to facilitate this. We’ll discover who and what to avoid and how to identify ‘partners in believing’ who’ll support you in what may be a complex period of setting yourself free.

Duration: 3 hours


Managing Transition

Building on the previous module, you'll learn stress management techniques, how to deal with anxiety, and resilience-building strategies. You’ll learn to have faith and belief in yourself and transmit this to others. We’ll revisit the work you did in Modules 2 and 3 and fill out any additional detail or clarity. This module prepares you emotionally to manage the way forward seamlessly.

Duration: 3 hours


Harvesting Transition

In this module you’ll ‘launch’ your new ‘business’ of being YOU in ‘life-after-work’. You'll learn confidence-building exercises and ongoing action planning techniques to face any future fears and uncertainties. By paying attention to your intention without tension and with the support of your ‘team’ you can be confident your expectations will be met. This module ensures you step into your next phase ‘Powered Up’ with a sense of renewed significance and life force. Perhaps it’s time for a ‘starting party’!

Duration: 3 hours

Who Is It For?

Gay men ready to make a change.

Gay men searching for meaning in their life.

Gay men struggling with their identity.

Who Is It Not For?

Anyone not willing to invest in their future.

Anyone not willing to explore and get curious about opportunities.

Anyone who is not willing to commit to the journey.


When I turned 29, I had it all: good health, a high-paying job, friends, stability, and independence. They say success is the key to happiness, right? Well, it turns out, it is not.

I was an alcoholic. I was doing hard drugs. I had lots of casual sex that didn’t mean anything. I wasted many hours scrolling on the phone, looking for the next hook-up. I was self-destructive, put myself in dangerous situations, cut off sleep, and partied a lot. I lived in a constant state of stress and anxiety. I was disconnected, isolated, and depressed. I couldn’t find peace within. I felt overwhelmed and lost. My 9 to 6 job as a software engineer didn’t bring me any satisfaction and fulfillment. My life was a prison. I had no purpose and I didn’t know who I was.

After my last relapse with alcohol, I became determined to improve my life and quit alcohol for good. Everything I learned about personal development, spirituality, energy healing, visualization, mindset, and the power of self-love, allowed me to transform my life completely and become my true self.

After witnessing and experiencing massive improvements in all areas of my life, I became very passionate about coaching and helping people. My journey and story can help other gay men who are struggling with their lives right now, feeling dissatisfied, lost, and disconnected.

Life is about purpose, passion, meaning, feeling, and living as your most authentic self. My journey towards transformation started alone but it doesn't have to be like that for you. By working with me, I can help you shortcut all the pain and frustration I went through so you can start living an abundant life on your terms and aligned with your pure essence.

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