Kevin Martinez

Transformation Session

Kevin Martinez

Transformation Session

Who Is It For?

Gay men ready to make a change.

Gay men searching for meaning in their life.

Gay men struggling with their identity.

Who Is It Not For?

Anyone not willing to invest in their future.

Anyone not willing to explore and get curious about opportunities.

Anyone who is not willing to commit to the journey.


When I turned 29, I had it all: good health, a high-paying job, friends, stability, and independence. They say success is the key to happiness, right? Well, it turns out, it is not.

I was an alcoholic. I was doing hard drugs. I had lots of casual sex that didn’t mean anything. I wasted many hours scrolling on the phone, looking for the next hook-up. I was self-destructive, put myself in dangerous situations, cut off sleep, and partied a lot. I lived in a constant state of stress and anxiety. I was disconnected, isolated, and depressed. I couldn’t find peace within. I felt overwhelmed and lost. My 9 to 6 job as a software engineer didn’t bring me any satisfaction and fulfillment. My life was a prison. I had no purpose and I didn’t know who I was.

After my last relapse with alcohol, I became determined to improve my life and quit alcohol for good. Everything I learned about personal development, spirituality, energy healing, visualization, mindset, and the power of self-love, allowed me to transform my life completely and become my true self.

After witnessing and experiencing massive improvements in all areas of my life, I became very passionate about coaching and helping people. My journey and story can help other gay men who are struggling with their lives right now, feeling dissatisfied, lost, and disconnected.

Life is about purpose, passion, meaning, feeling, and living as your most authentic self. My journey towards transformation started alone but it doesn't have to be like that for you. By working with me, I can help you shortcut all the pain and frustration I went through so you can start living an abundant life on your terms and aligned with your pure essence.

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